
Psychedelic Daffodil 

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Don't settle for some lame rendition of the 60's from the History Channel or PBS, find out how it really was. Read the true experiences of a typical American teenager coming of age in "Summer of Love". You'll feel like you're right back at the corner of the Haight!

Psychedelic Daffodil

Now available at Kindle Books

Psychedelic Daffodil

What is Psychedelia? 

It was a rare phenomenon, usually perceived by middle to upper middle class suburban white kids circa 1967.  It was a transition time in America in many ways.  Society was switching from the analog to digital age, and it took a while for the politicians and the industrialists to catch up and close the doors.  The confusion during the transition opened a brief period of unbridled freedom and creativity.  Psychedelia was part of that special experience. It's hard to describe, but if you're talking to someone about it, and they start to get that far-a-way dreamy look in their eye with a slight smile, then you know they were there.

Is it the Music? 

The music played a big part of the experience, but just what exactly is psychedelic music is largely dependent on the beholder.  The advancement in integrated circuit (IC) technology led to a totally new electronic experience.  That electronically distorted vibe seemed to be always playing in the background during the mid 60's.  My playlist includes songs that put me back into that psychedelic mood, with a little bit of bluesy electric guitar thrown in.  (Don't forget the Wah-Wah pedal and the reverb)

Is it the Colors? 

America was also transitioning from black and white to color, most notably in TV and clothes.  As it is in the beginning, when something is first discovered, the tendency is to over do it.  So in the initial encounter with color, splashes of Day-Glo and iridescence surrounded everything with an aura of neon glow.

Is it the Drugs? 

Maybe or maybe not.  Many of the hippie's that were actually cognizant were initially happy with their Peyote buttons, LSD-25, or mushroom experiences.  But then they ran into a huge problem- they drugs wore off and they forced to deal with their normal everyday life again.  Some tried to stay perennially high, but many realized the futility of this if they wanted to live past their 30th birthday.  The drugs gave a glimmer of how life could be, but mainly they were a way to share the experience with others.

Is it the Free Love?

Unfortunately, I seemed to have missed out on the sexual revolution, so I really can't comment on this. It wasn't like I didn't try, but girls still remained these strange creatures that were able to make me act in embarrassing and regrettable ways.

Is it the Viet Nam War?

Since most of the hippie's were about 8 thousand miles away from the battle zone with middle class draft deferments, this assured that most would receive zero combat experience.  Hence, the odds of receiving a purple heart were virtually nil. However, as valiant protesters of the imperialist war mongers within the American government, they could earn endless medals of honor within the counter culture elite. It was my experience that the war protests were about 10% protest, 10% rabble-rousers, and 80% guys trying to meet girls.

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